Deluxe Tuxedo Wedding Giftbox
Price Not Announced
“The custom of planting a ‘Wedding Tree’ dates back to Ancient Rome. Pine-cones were placed under the Bridegroom’s pillow to ensure fidelity. Rosemary was a Traditional Wedding plant in Tudor England and in Wales, Myrtle is given to newlyweds to bring harmony in the household. Pine trees, palms ferns and ficus trees or flowering perennials are considered to bring good forturne to the newlyweds”.
Call us now on 0409 132 302.
In Stock
- Hamper GiftBox White Giftbox or Tuxedo Giftbox with mini love hearts
- Fortune cookies with best wishes for guests
- Champagne Flutes x 2
- Wedding cake bubbles
- Just Married chocolate gold or silver coins
- Sugar coated almonds
- Golf or Silver contemporary heart disposable camera
- Scented candles, mini liqueurs, bath and massage oils, love poetry, potpourri, sexy underwear, boxed truffles, hangover helpers (Panadol, tomato juice, Tabasco, Berrocas) white journal with fountain pen, disposable camera)
- Floating candle-holders, votive candle-holders, wind chimes, hand-painted platters, boxed set of exotic teas or coffees, IChing, Tarot.
- HIS & HERS MONOGRAMMED bathrobes, pjs, or towels
- Make-up and Shaving Kits/His & Her sunglasses/His & Her mugs
- Salt & Pepper shakers (His and Hers)
- Photo Frames
Call us now on 0409 132 302.