For Lovers
Price Not Announced
(Beautifully Presented in a hand-made Black+White Striped GiftBox bowed with Red satin/organza ribbon and rose petals)
“When there is no surprise…the romance dies” The earliest English records of Valentine’s Day reveal that birds chose their mates on this Day. Another tale tells of Valentine, an early Christian who when imprisoned by the Romans for refusing to worship their gods, the children tossed loving notes through the bars of his cell window.
Call us now on 0409 132 302.
In Stock
‘LOVE TOWER’ – tower of boxes filled with heart chocolates/cupcakes/long-stem roses
- Long stem Red Roses with Chocolate Heart Truffles and Love Songs
- Long-stem Red Roses with Chocolate Heart Truffles and Champagne
- Long-stem Red Roses with Gift Certificate for Beauty and Spa Day
- Large Champagne Bottle – full of beautiful ‘Godiva’ chocolates
- Lay out a Grand bedroom picnic! Bathe the boudoir in candlelight, shroud the lamps with light red fabric, burn rose oil, turn on some love songs, sprinkle red rose petals around the room, on the bed and between the sheets! Scent the pillows and decorate with extravagant bouquets and suspend streamers of honeysuckle or jasmine from the ceiling
- Culinary seducers include oysters, avocados, asparagus, figs, mangoes, caviar, lobster, smoked salmon, aged cheeses and brandied peaches. Of course the ultimate culinary delight is CHOCOLATE. Feed each other chocolate bon-bons or try strawberries dipped in chocolate and a glass of bubbly infused with rose petals! A charge of excitement is felt when sipping champagne..emiting an aroma. It’s the scent of the bubbles on our nostrils that puts us in a romantic mood…a la Casanova!
- Food for Love using ‘Red for Romance’ foods. Chilli peppers, red kidney beans, red apples, red pears, beetroot, tomatoes, persimmons, cherries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb, red cabbage, red peppers, red pasta, lobster, salmon, salami, prosciutto, frankfurts, red jellies and jams, red rice crackers…YUM!
- Golden Gifts… inventive, long lasting love gifts preserved in gold.
What about half a wishbone or coin dipped in gold. Gold-dipped shoe-laces framed in a heart shape. A cork from a bottle of bubbly shared with your Valentine or tickets to your first film, play or concert. Maybe a shell from a beach walk….your house key, or a lock from your Valentine’s hair?
….Love is in the Air!
Call us now on 0409 132 302.